Friday, December 19, 2014

1st Semester Done

Yes, that's right, I made it through my first semester as a Butler University pre-pharmacy student! What a ride! I had 6 classes, consisting of 18 credit hours and I am not at all ashamed to say that I am definitely looking forward to next semester when I'll have only 13 credit hours:) I know I took on a lot for my first semester of university, but I was able to get a lot of classes out of the way that I won't have to worry about later. My focus will be entirely on chemistry and calculus next semester. I'm hoping that focus will improve my grades-not that I have "bad" grades now, but suffice it say that I don't exactly have an A in calculus. This past semester was really a learning experience as I got acclimated to the environment and classroom formats, as well as what the professors expect. Next semester will be even better!
I hope everyone else has had a successful semester or, if readers aren't in school, I hope it's been a good end to the year. We're remodeling bathrooms on top of all of this school stuff and Christmas coming up next week, so it's been hectic. So, I'll keep this short; I plan to update more as the new semester begins. Until then!
Queen E

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The End is Near...

So, I realize my posting on here has not been as frequent as I originally hoped and I do hope to remedy that soon. I plan to post much more as the semester dwindles to the last few days and will have a fresh start for the opening of the new semester. I mentioned that I wanted to share useful information, too, like study tips that helped or really worked for me, etc. Well, I've got a few tips to share today.
1) Write all of your notes in blue ink. There was a study somewhere about blue ink being more memorable for your brain than black. (I would provide a citation, but alas, I don't have one. Sorry.) I have started doing this and I don't know if I can really attribute any success to it, but I am doing better in math since I started writing in blue ink. Of course, I still highlight in multiple colors and add important info in different colors, but the bulk of the text is in blue.

2) Binders are your best friend. I have one class in particular that requires a lot of reading and we don't have a text book. So, I have to print the readings and organize them in a binder. I've started doing that with other classes now, too. I have the little Post-it reusable tags that help separate the articles. It's been incredibly helpful in keeping me organized.

3) Don't be afraid to ask your instructors for help! I've been terrible about this in the past, but recently, when I have an issue, I've actually asked for help and it's been incredibly beneficial. It's okay to be a little interdependent sometimes. For more info on interdependence, try a Google search. There's a lot of helpful research about interdependence.

So, that's all that I have for you all today in the realm of study help, but I will be back with more, I promise! I'm currently studying for finals which start on the 15th. But, before I can get to finals, I have to worry about 4 presentations, 3 papers, another quiz or two for math, and a lot of reading. I'm ending this for now, but will be back soon.
Good luck on finals!
Queen E

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Time Flies

I can hardly believe my first semester at a legit university is almost over! There are about 4 weeks of actual class and instruction left. Didn't it just start? I've learned a lot, so far, and am really looking forward to getting my spring schedule all ironed out. I'm hoping to lighten my class load slightly by inquiring about online options for classes other than math or chemistry and possibly taking some of the universities required classes over the summer. Although I've been able to deal with the work load thus far, I wouldn't mind having a few less than 18 credit hours next semester. And I don't want anymore 9 a.m. classes if I can avoid it. Just because I have to leave my house around 7:30 to get here on time and that's not always feasible for me.
I'm excited about the direction things are going. I'm looking forward to working more over the Thanksgiving break and, of course, during Christmas break. I've already got a really good start on my Christmas shopping, which never happens. I've got to admit that I'm pretty darn proud of myself. If anyone wants to donate some Starbucks gift cards, I'm open to that;)
Well, since I'm bringing this to you all from my gap before lab, I'll have to end it so I can get back to work. There's no rest for the weary... or the college student!
Until next time,
Queen E

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Busy as Usual

I'm coming to you from a classroom today. Don't worry! I'm not ignoring my duties or anything. There's just not much happening in this class today. We had a fire drill. That was interesting... It took almost 15 minutes, large numbers of students were all congregated outside, and my bags were heavy. It was not the most pleasant experience.
Anyway, Fall Break was last week and I worked most of the time. It was still a welcome distraction from the 18 credit hours I currently have on my schedule. I was able to completely forget about classes and homework and tests and let that part of my brain shut off for a while. I suppose that's the point of such a break. It was nice, really.
I've done well returning and have been able to take care of a lot of business. I actually did well on my math test last week and that really set my mind at ease. I'm getting all of this stuff and that's the most important part. I've been adding to my chem notes and really trying to focus on my school work.
Now, if only I had time to finish everything at home! We're supposed to be going to the lake this weekend and my motor home is nowhere close to ready to go! I've got so much cleaning to do. I also have laundry and the normal crap to catch up on, but I'd honestly rather focus on school work and revising notes, etc. Sure would be nice if I could get my family to help out. At some point I would like to also work on writing an article. I'm also thinking about Christmas and decorating and buying gifts. It's not that there's not enough hours in the day, it's that I'm only one person doing the work of 20. Sheesh!
So, before I do start neglecting my duties, I'll end it here for today. Until next time!
Queen E

Friday, October 10, 2014


Happy Friday, all! I'm reporting to you from Starbucks again today. I must say that this is a completely different experience from last week. There aren't many people here right now and it's much quieter than last week. The exception might be the occasional pounding of hammers and whir of power drills since the bookstore is being remodeled. Despite the construction, the show must go on and there are people milling about.
Campus is quite busy today, despite the lack of business in the coffee shop. There seem to be a lot of parents here today. I wonder if there's some even taking place? If so, it's nothing I've heard about. Which is not surprising considering I don't live on campus. News crews have been here every day this week except for today. That I noticed. A terror group is threatening the life of a former student and the university has been supporting prayer meetings, etc. Each time the various news stations discuss the story, they have a live reporter here at the school, as if the only thing the poor guy being held captive ever did was attend school here. I think it's weird.
On a completely different note, the school posted our "early term grades" yesterday. I'm doing well, if I do say so myself:) I will not divulge details for the sake of not "jinxing" myself. I feel a bit more motivated this week. I hope my grades continue to reflect such.
Speaking of motivation, we've been talking a lot about that in class and I'm certainly not unmotivated, but I have found that I'm not nearly as focused as I should be. I don't know what is to blame for this, but I hope I figure it out soon. I don't need to get behind. I certainly don't want to feel like I'm wasting my time or anyone else's.
Okay, keeping it short and sweet today, folks. Until next time!
Queen E

Friday, October 3, 2014

The on-campus Starbucks Experience

Hello, hello! It has been one of the most chaotic weeks of university life, thus far. I've had a crazy amount of homework and I've had meetings all week and a sick kid, so there hasn't been much time to do anything. Including the things that I desperately need to do! My poor house is a horrible mess, laundry is piling up, and I'm fairly certain that there are mice having a field day behind my TV. So frustrating.
Anyway, I decided to visit the on-campus Starbucks this afternoon which is connected to the university's bookstore. So, here I sit typing away while taking in the whole experience. It's been rather interesting, to say the least. First, let me preface this tale by commenting on the not-so-great weather. It's cold. Like 59 degrees cold. And rainy. No good! So, I thought, "hey, self, why not visit Starbuck's and get in out of the cold?" Hm.
I'm going to make some observations of everything I am seeing and hearing. Seeing not quite as much as hearing because I am sitting at the most awkwardly placed table in the history of awkwardly placed tables so my ability to really view the room is quite limited. But I am hearing the most interesting and strange conversations. There are a variety of people here right now, students mostly, but some professors, various university staff, the occasional parent, a police office occasionally, our school's mascot (Trip, aka Blue III, the bulldog) and his owners, and people who's association with the university remain unclear. I am very interested to hear that there is great deal of work getting done right now. Many of the professors here are using this time to chat with students or each other. I've heard students talking to one another about "Facebook stalking" other students to get information, in an anonymous manner, of course. Apparently there is a great deal of future dating taking place. It's all quite entertaining. I decided to share my observations as a way to seem preoccupied so these people don't realize that I'm eavesdropping. Is that bad? I don't think so.
Oh yes, I mentioned the bit about the weather to remark on the student's "fashion." People, it's cold, really and some girl walked in wearing cropped yoga pants and a racer-back workout tank and running shoes, her backpack quite full and hugging her back. She was holding a sweatshirt. I find it hard to believe that she was anywhere close to warm in that get-up. The amount of people in shorts and flip-flops is truly crazy.
And this just happened: there's a poster on the wall in front of me and some girl definitely just leaned over me and my computer and my drink to get a better look. Not a word was spoken. No, "excuse me," nothing. I find that odd. These people are odd in general. I don't always feel like an outsider, but when I do...
Switching gears just a bit here, I met with one of my advisors yesterday and we had a great conversation. I was happy to hear that I'm on the right track as far as academics and I just need to be patient with the process, something I'm not accustomed to doing. Patience is a virtue that I often lack. She was happy to meet with me though and even said that it was a nice change talking to someone like me versus talking to students all day long. I clarified that comment with her and she agreed about my idea to impose a legal limit on the word "like." I think that idea could really catch on if I pushed hard enough. Hm. Perhaps I'll suggest it to local legislators.
Okay, this is crazy long and it's time for me to wrap this all up. So, I will attempt to post again in the next few days as my schedule allows. I'm learning some good stuff about time management and studying, so perhaps I'll include some tips in the next post.
Until next time!
Queen E

Friday, September 26, 2014

Adjusting to (University) Life

Hello, all!  Hope the weeks, thus far, have treated everyone kindly. I've managed to keep busy, not surprisingly. I've been working to adjust to life here at the university and I think I'm getting the hang of things. I've met a lot of new people and have made some new friends. I'm excited to say that I have a lunch date next week with a couple of the ladies I met. It's going to be so good to get off campus and get to know them without the constraints of a classroom setting.
I've managed to be on-time to my classes so far, no small fĂȘte considering I live 45 minutes away and there's a ton of road construction on the main interstate. I've had to miss a couple  of classes due to unforeseen circumstances-sick kid, personal illness, etc. But class is going well so far. Not only am I working on my 18-credit hours, but I have a class that requires20 hours of "community service." I'm getting ready to attend my first community service session in just a little while. I'm actually excited about it, though I was apprehensive at first. I've managed to find plenty of time in my weekly schedule to squeeze in two visits to the site during the week. I'm really looking forward to helping some people and making some sort of contribution.
On another note, most people don't seem to notice that I am significantly older than them unless it's brought up and I don't mind sharing. I've had some people be really interested in how I came to school and why I'm doing what I'm doing and that's been really cool to experience. It's kind of nice blending in. I feel that I'm at an age where yes, I'm older than the typical college student, but not old enough to stick out. Besides that, I try to be very cognizant of my fashion choices, not wanting to look too old or too young. Thank you, Pinterest for the daily inspiration!
There's a lot that I'll be working on this weekend in terms of school work and writing articles and stories, etc. and that's not a bad thing at all. I plan to remake some notes for a couple of my classes just for my own clarity. That's a technique that I've found useful. I can review my notes, highlight or color-code as needed, and add to them if necessary all at the same time. So far so good! I need to work on calculus a bit, so I think I'll start there.
At home, I still have a lot of cleaning to do and we're supposed to be getting ready to remodel the bathrooms. I've started to decorate for fall and hope to finish this weekend. Needless to say, the busy-ness of life never ends. But, I'm doing a decent job of time management, something I have not been exactly proficient in doing in the past. It helps to keep a schedule and a to-do list ever present. And with that being said, I'm off to do some work.
Until next time~
Queen E

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Busy, busy!

So sorry for the delay between posts here.  It's been a little crazy in my life recently.  School has kept me on my toes for sure.  I've had a lot of homework.  In fact, the amount of reading alone is almost astounding.  So far so good, though:)
The last time I posted I shared a few observations about the people around me.  Not much has changed, really.  I've made a few friends, all of whom are younger than me and that's okay.  I'm still the old lady in all of my classes, besides the professors themselves, and none of the women are much older than me.  I must say that I'm very happy with my decision to be at Butler.  It's so small and comfortable and I really like it.
I had time to clean my house some over this weekend.  It was much overdue, but I'm finding ways to balance school life and home life.  I have a class that will require me to dedicate 20 hours of community service, but I should be able to squeeze that in on the days I'm out of class by noon.  I was a bit opposed to it at first, but I'm really warming up to the idea.  I'm almost looking forward to it, actually.
This weekend was so strange.  We, me and my family, attended an "event" where there were a lot of people I hadn't seen in quite some time and catching up a bit was really good.  The night ended with a weird combination of events that served to really solidify my belief that I am better off doing what I am doing to better myself than hanging around those types of people.  There were people who had been my friend, I thought, at one time, but everyone shows their true colors at some point and that was it for some of those folks.  So, I'm done with some people and that's okay with me.  I have to focus on my school work and my family.  I have no time for drama and negativity so I choose to walk away and carry on with my life.
I hope this weekend has been good for everyone out there!  I will catch up more next time.
Queen SparkleE

Friday, August 29, 2014

First Week as a Non-Trad

Well, hello there!  If you are reading this it is either because I know you personally and forced you to do so or, hopefully, you're a nontraditional (Non-Trad for short) college student like me.  This is my first real attempt at blogging, as the one past attempt was sad and only included one entry. Allow me to start by introducing myself.  My name is Erika, but I also answer to "Queen E" and other Queenly titles, and I am a 30-year-old wife and mother of one son, one step-daughter, and one furry St. Bernard.  As already mentioned, I am a nontraditional student at Butler University and I am, hopefully, one semester away from entering pharmacy school.  I studied at a community college for 2 years before attending Butler in order to complete an array of classes that I either missed in high school or, because it had been a few years since then, had to retake.  This is my first semester at a legit university and I'm starting the school year with a ton of optimism and hope.  I'm currently enrolled in 18 credit hours, but I will do my best to devote time to this endeavor.
The main reason I wanted to start this blog was to reach out to the Non-Trad community.  I have seen a few other blogs geared toward people like us, but I felt it was worth sharing my unique experience in hopes of helping others realize that it is possible to return to school and thrive in a classroom setting.  Not only do I plan to share my own personal observations of university/college life, but I will try to include study tips as well as organization and time management, as my own time allows.
Okay, so let's "talk" about my first week.  I am quite surprised to learn that, at the present time, there are no organizations at Butler specifically for Non-Trad students.  Last week was Welcome Week and involved a few orientation activities that were "mandatory" or "required" for all students and some just for transfer students, which I am.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed to find that I was the only person my age (or even close for that matter) at all of the events I attended.  I certainly felt out of place and when the president of the university addressed us, the incoming students, as "young people on the cusp of adulthood," I couldn't help but chuckle and I thought, "no, all of these 'kids' are young people while I'm the old lady in the room."  Yep, that was me, the old lady in the room in each event I attended.  Although, I must say that most people didn't realize I was a Non-Trad until it was brought up.  So, it's not as if any of the freshman thought I was 80 or anything, but it was still a bit uncomfortable.  This is something I plan to discuss with the appropriate people at the university.
Part of the Welcome Week "stuff" included attending a performance about sex and a lecture, of sorts, about student life, both of which I respectfully declined and did not attend for the obvious reasons.  Another part of my orientation to the school was an online set of courses regarding sex, drugs, and alcohol.  There was no getting out of that one and I had to complete the courses in order to move forward.  Again, these are things I plan to discuss with the school.  I felt very awkward and I really feel that Non-Trads need to be treated in a slightly different manner given their unique situations.  I mean, come on, I'm old enough to buy my own booze and I'm married, with an 11-year-old son.  Pretty sure I've got the sex thing figured least I certainly hope so!
The first day of class was Wednesday and I felt a little trepidation leading up to that day.  Mostly because of being in a new environment, etc.  I confess to obsessing a bit over what I would wear.  Let's face facts, people!  I'm a girl and I don't want to stick out any more than I already do.  I'm not going to dress like I'm 18, but I'm not going to wear my grandmother's clothes, either.  So I took to Pinterest!  I must say that I was wholly unimpressed by the fashion, or lack-there-of, I witnessed during orientation while surrounded by freshman or "first year" students.  Holy baggy t-shirt and too short shorts, people!  It's like these "kids" needed their parents to dress them, really.  I was pleasantly surprised to see a vast change in attire come Wednesday.  I should note here that I come from the "old school."  I don't "do" sweat pants or pajama pants in public unless there's a darn good reason for them, and it had better be an amazing reason, really.  And, honestly, I just expected that the girls would be a bit more dressed up for each other, if for no other reason.
Okay, so the first day of class was really quite nice.  I enjoyed most of the people and professors that I met and the fashion was stepped-up significantly.  I was happy to see that there really were other students beyond their first year and I fit in a bit better with that crowd.  That's not to say that I have a problem meeting first-year students and talking with them.  I don't mean that at all.  There's really nothing wrong with being young and I'm not trying to put anyone down simply for the year in which they were born.  The issue I have with the younger crowd has more to do with how many of them conduct themselves in public.  For example, many groups of younger girls (18-19 years old) cluster around the halls of school and often engage in conversations that involve one word: like.  I'm not sure how many times one can say "like" in a sentence, but there should be a legal limit.  I just want to tell them, "ladies, you had to be intelligent to get here so please speak in a manner that reflects that.  Thank you."  Anyway, the first day of classes consisted of reviewing the syllabus and getting to know the instructor and other students.  So, not a bad day at all.  The second and third days proved to be much the same.  I am, so far, the only Non-Trad I have seen on campus.  I'm hoping to encounter more as time goes by.  Conversation becomes a bit awkward when the other people are talking about the lack of air conditioning in their dorm rooms or the size of the tiny refrigerators while I am sitting there thinking, "hmm, my air conditioner at the home my husband and I own works just fine and I have a full-size fridge..."
Well, I'm going to wrap this up as it's getting a bit lengthy and it's getting late here.  I will be posting more soon, so please come back and visit.
Yours Truly,
Queen E