Friday, September 26, 2014

Adjusting to (University) Life

Hello, all!  Hope the weeks, thus far, have treated everyone kindly. I've managed to keep busy, not surprisingly. I've been working to adjust to life here at the university and I think I'm getting the hang of things. I've met a lot of new people and have made some new friends. I'm excited to say that I have a lunch date next week with a couple of the ladies I met. It's going to be so good to get off campus and get to know them without the constraints of a classroom setting.
I've managed to be on-time to my classes so far, no small fête considering I live 45 minutes away and there's a ton of road construction on the main interstate. I've had to miss a couple  of classes due to unforeseen circumstances-sick kid, personal illness, etc. But class is going well so far. Not only am I working on my 18-credit hours, but I have a class that requires20 hours of "community service." I'm getting ready to attend my first community service session in just a little while. I'm actually excited about it, though I was apprehensive at first. I've managed to find plenty of time in my weekly schedule to squeeze in two visits to the site during the week. I'm really looking forward to helping some people and making some sort of contribution.
On another note, most people don't seem to notice that I am significantly older than them unless it's brought up and I don't mind sharing. I've had some people be really interested in how I came to school and why I'm doing what I'm doing and that's been really cool to experience. It's kind of nice blending in. I feel that I'm at an age where yes, I'm older than the typical college student, but not old enough to stick out. Besides that, I try to be very cognizant of my fashion choices, not wanting to look too old or too young. Thank you, Pinterest for the daily inspiration!
There's a lot that I'll be working on this weekend in terms of school work and writing articles and stories, etc. and that's not a bad thing at all. I plan to remake some notes for a couple of my classes just for my own clarity. That's a technique that I've found useful. I can review my notes, highlight or color-code as needed, and add to them if necessary all at the same time. So far so good! I need to work on calculus a bit, so I think I'll start there.
At home, I still have a lot of cleaning to do and we're supposed to be getting ready to remodel the bathrooms. I've started to decorate for fall and hope to finish this weekend. Needless to say, the busy-ness of life never ends. But, I'm doing a decent job of time management, something I have not been exactly proficient in doing in the past. It helps to keep a schedule and a to-do list ever present. And with that being said, I'm off to do some work.
Until next time~
Queen E

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