Friday, October 3, 2014

The on-campus Starbucks Experience

Hello, hello! It has been one of the most chaotic weeks of university life, thus far. I've had a crazy amount of homework and I've had meetings all week and a sick kid, so there hasn't been much time to do anything. Including the things that I desperately need to do! My poor house is a horrible mess, laundry is piling up, and I'm fairly certain that there are mice having a field day behind my TV. So frustrating.
Anyway, I decided to visit the on-campus Starbucks this afternoon which is connected to the university's bookstore. So, here I sit typing away while taking in the whole experience. It's been rather interesting, to say the least. First, let me preface this tale by commenting on the not-so-great weather. It's cold. Like 59 degrees cold. And rainy. No good! So, I thought, "hey, self, why not visit Starbuck's and get in out of the cold?" Hm.
I'm going to make some observations of everything I am seeing and hearing. Seeing not quite as much as hearing because I am sitting at the most awkwardly placed table in the history of awkwardly placed tables so my ability to really view the room is quite limited. But I am hearing the most interesting and strange conversations. There are a variety of people here right now, students mostly, but some professors, various university staff, the occasional parent, a police office occasionally, our school's mascot (Trip, aka Blue III, the bulldog) and his owners, and people who's association with the university remain unclear. I am very interested to hear that there is great deal of work getting done right now. Many of the professors here are using this time to chat with students or each other. I've heard students talking to one another about "Facebook stalking" other students to get information, in an anonymous manner, of course. Apparently there is a great deal of future dating taking place. It's all quite entertaining. I decided to share my observations as a way to seem preoccupied so these people don't realize that I'm eavesdropping. Is that bad? I don't think so.
Oh yes, I mentioned the bit about the weather to remark on the student's "fashion." People, it's cold, really and some girl walked in wearing cropped yoga pants and a racer-back workout tank and running shoes, her backpack quite full and hugging her back. She was holding a sweatshirt. I find it hard to believe that she was anywhere close to warm in that get-up. The amount of people in shorts and flip-flops is truly crazy.
And this just happened: there's a poster on the wall in front of me and some girl definitely just leaned over me and my computer and my drink to get a better look. Not a word was spoken. No, "excuse me," nothing. I find that odd. These people are odd in general. I don't always feel like an outsider, but when I do...
Switching gears just a bit here, I met with one of my advisors yesterday and we had a great conversation. I was happy to hear that I'm on the right track as far as academics and I just need to be patient with the process, something I'm not accustomed to doing. Patience is a virtue that I often lack. She was happy to meet with me though and even said that it was a nice change talking to someone like me versus talking to students all day long. I clarified that comment with her and she agreed about my idea to impose a legal limit on the word "like." I think that idea could really catch on if I pushed hard enough. Hm. Perhaps I'll suggest it to local legislators.
Okay, this is crazy long and it's time for me to wrap this all up. So, I will attempt to post again in the next few days as my schedule allows. I'm learning some good stuff about time management and studying, so perhaps I'll include some tips in the next post.
Until next time!
Queen E

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