Sunday, September 14, 2014

Busy, busy!

So sorry for the delay between posts here.  It's been a little crazy in my life recently.  School has kept me on my toes for sure.  I've had a lot of homework.  In fact, the amount of reading alone is almost astounding.  So far so good, though:)
The last time I posted I shared a few observations about the people around me.  Not much has changed, really.  I've made a few friends, all of whom are younger than me and that's okay.  I'm still the old lady in all of my classes, besides the professors themselves, and none of the women are much older than me.  I must say that I'm very happy with my decision to be at Butler.  It's so small and comfortable and I really like it.
I had time to clean my house some over this weekend.  It was much overdue, but I'm finding ways to balance school life and home life.  I have a class that will require me to dedicate 20 hours of community service, but I should be able to squeeze that in on the days I'm out of class by noon.  I was a bit opposed to it at first, but I'm really warming up to the idea.  I'm almost looking forward to it, actually.
This weekend was so strange.  We, me and my family, attended an "event" where there were a lot of people I hadn't seen in quite some time and catching up a bit was really good.  The night ended with a weird combination of events that served to really solidify my belief that I am better off doing what I am doing to better myself than hanging around those types of people.  There were people who had been my friend, I thought, at one time, but everyone shows their true colors at some point and that was it for some of those folks.  So, I'm done with some people and that's okay with me.  I have to focus on my school work and my family.  I have no time for drama and negativity so I choose to walk away and carry on with my life.
I hope this weekend has been good for everyone out there!  I will catch up more next time.
Queen SparkleE

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