Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pre-Semester Updating

With the dawning of the New Year and the upcoming semester, I've been thinking a lot about reinvention and resolutions. Like most people, I have a lot of resolutions and ideas for how I'm going to conquer the world...I mean, my classes. The first thing everyone will notice is that I am adding pages to the blog so it's like one of those real blogs I've heard about. Hey, I'm an amateur to the max and this is my first attempt so, any slack anyone is willing to give is much appreciated!
I am going to figure out how to show everyone pictures and other cool things as I go throughout the year. I have a lot of cool information on Pinterest so I'm working on links, etc. My goal is to help others while giving a little bit of commentary about my own observations. Any input is hugely appreciated! While this is a work-in-progress, I'll be making little updates like this periodically.
Okay, so that's all for now while I try to fish up some great content for everyone. Please feel free to share my blog and I will work hard to provide meaningful and humorous content.
Until next time,
Queen E

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