Sunday, January 25, 2015

Good Start

I'm off to a good start this semester! I got 100% on my first calculus quiz so I'll take that as a sign of things to come:) My organization systems are up and running and my life is so much easier now that I have everything in order. I have my planner color-coded, as previously discussed, I utilize daily to-do lists and studying to-do lists, and my notes are so much easier to read and follow. Something else that I'm implementing is a grade tracker, since my calculus professor doesn't post grades online. I am recording each assignment, quiz, test, etc. with the points I earned, the total points possible, and what grade I currently have in the class based off that information. I'm pleased with that so far. I like to know exactly where I am. If I should start to fall behind, I'll be able to recognize it quicker since it will be brought to my attention immediately. This is the semester where I get the grades I want!

I feel like last semester was a learning experience. It was my first semester at a new school and I took on a LOT. I really thought I could handle it all, and maybe I can, but not my first semester in an unfamiliar environment. Now that I'm acclimated to the university, I know what to expect and can manage my time much more efficiently. There were a lot of things that I told myself I couldn't do last semester, only to find out that I could. So, this time I'm not allowing myself to have any preconceived notions. Having a negative or potentially negative feeling about a course, professor, activity, or whatever is one of the worst things a person can do to themselves. Keeping an open mind has made a big difference in how I approach things. I can feel myself making more of an effort and it's paying off already.

So, with that final thought, I'm off to work on some more chemistry notes. Until next time!
Queen E

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Semester, New Attitude

Well, it's finally here: the start of the new/Spring semester. I must say that I'm excited! So far I've managed to incorporate some new time management or organization tactics that are working quite well. Of course, this is only Wednesday. I want to share things that are working for me and I will update as the semester goes along.

1) Nix the spiral-bound notebook and go with loose leaf paper. Holy cow, this is a big one for me! It has been so incredibly helpful thus far. I either keep the paper in a binder or a folder, depending on the class. For chemistry the textbook is unbound so I had to buy a binder anyway. What I did then was separate the chapters we'll be covering and only included those in the binder. That leaves all kinds of room for my notes. Calculus (pictured above) has it's own binder, but a separate book. The notebook gets graded along with the final at the end of the semester so I keep a 3-hole plastic folder in the middle for worksheets, tests, and quizzes (not shown because I haven't had any homework yet). This way, when it's time to hand in for grading, everything is already all together. I haven't been to my other class yet as today will be my first day, but I  have loose paper in a pocket folder ready to go along with the text book. This saves so much space in my bag!

2) Use tabs for each lab session in a chemistry lab manual. That keeps me from flipping through multiple pages and each tab is numbered so I'm never unsure of which lab we're doing. The numbers correspond with the info from my syllabus-which is just the week-and have also been written in my planner to keep me on track. This is easy to do with regular sticky notes or the special tab kind like I used from Post-It.

3) Use daily to-do lists on a sticky note or white board. Eventually I will be busy with school work and will need sticky notes for each class, but right now I only need one. I sit down at my desk and write a short list of all the things I need to accomplish at that time-whether I have a few minutes or a few hours. I cross things off as I go and that keeps my planner and my brain uncluttered.

4) Use a project folder. I actually started this last semester and it made a HUGE impact! I had to write several papers for various classes so I would gather all of my references, articles, etc. and put them in a folder together, one folder for each paper. I would also include the grading rubric when provided. That way, when it came time to do the writing, all of my information was right in front of me and not scattered. I also use a lined, large sticky note to make a to-do list for the paper. For example, I would include things like: type outline, create reference page, get 3 sources from text, etc. I can't tell you how much more organized this system made me. I also found that I was able to stay on task and turn it in on time. *I didn't think it was necessary for a pic, but if I have a project coming up I'll add one:).

5) Take notes before every going to class! I know, easier said than done for some people, but I love taking notes and I'm good at it;). So, I sat down with my chemistry book (pictured above) and started taking notes for the first chapter we're covering. I only used one side of the paper so I could use a variety of pen types and colors and not be distracted with bleed-though. Before I knew it, I was done with the whole chapter. When I got to class, I understood everything the professor was talking about because I actually read it and absorbed some info. I still take notes in class, but I add them to the notes I already took. That way, when it come times to study for the exam, I'll have more than enough info.

6) Use color-coding in a planner. I actually got this from a board on Pinterest and it's been very helpful thus far. The pic above is just a small sample of a week-only partly complete. The smiley face stickers are my way of tracking my water intake throughout the day as I'm also trying to stay healthy and hydrated while in school.

I hope that helps someone out there! I will continue to share any tidbits that have been useful for me and, as previously stated, I will update with my results:) Happy studying!
Queen E

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Pre-Semester Updating

With the dawning of the New Year and the upcoming semester, I've been thinking a lot about reinvention and resolutions. Like most people, I have a lot of resolutions and ideas for how I'm going to conquer the world...I mean, my classes. The first thing everyone will notice is that I am adding pages to the blog so it's like one of those real blogs I've heard about. Hey, I'm an amateur to the max and this is my first attempt so, any slack anyone is willing to give is much appreciated!
I am going to figure out how to show everyone pictures and other cool things as I go throughout the year. I have a lot of cool information on Pinterest so I'm working on links, etc. My goal is to help others while giving a little bit of commentary about my own observations. Any input is hugely appreciated! While this is a work-in-progress, I'll be making little updates like this periodically.
Okay, so that's all for now while I try to fish up some great content for everyone. Please feel free to share my blog and I will work hard to provide meaningful and humorous content.
Until next time,
Queen E