Saturday, December 26, 2015

If at first you don't succeed...

  Well, it's obvious that I have let this fall behind and have put it on the back burner for quite some time now. The reason(s) for this happening: I have let my home life overshadow my school life and haven't been focusing on my school work quite like I should and it has shown. My GPA has taken a serious hit. I have noticed a pattern where I start a semester with all of the hope in the world, thinking it's going to be great and I'm going to remain focused and get an A. But that mindset quickly changes as the challenges of taking care of the home and my family begin to take over.
  So, what's a girl to do? I'll tell you: take the bull by the horns and make some serious changes! I've realized that I'm never going to make it into my desired program with lackluster grades and poor study habits. I have to admit that I have let other things take priority in my life and it is time to end that vicious cycle here and now. With my future hanging in the balance, I realize that it's time to get down and dirty, roll up my sleeves, and really get to work. I find myself talking about studying and reading about studying without actually studying. Sheesh!
  I have a confession. In the last year and a half I have failed two classes. Yes, straight-up failed. It was shocking, jarring, and felt like a punch in the stomach. But I'm learning from the mistakes I made and I am retaking the classes in question. Minor setback, I keep telling myself. After much soul-searching and a few tears, I know that failures really are just minor setbacks. The reality is, I can always retake the class, even if I have to get permission. However, when I retake those classes, I have to do well. I am embarrassed, of course, but lying to myself and everyone else is not getting me anywhere. It is hard to be a nontraditional student. But I can do it and so can anyone else out there.
  With that said, happy studying and I'll be sure to check back in a little more frequently.
Queen E

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