Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Hello, all! So much has happened since my post about the first day of school and offering first-year students advice. The biggest thing to happen is really the BIGGEST thing: I changed my major. I know what you're thinking, some people change their majors all the time so why is this different? Well, I started this journey 5 years ago with the sole intent to earn a doctor of pharmacy degree. That was the only reason I was here. I've put my life on hold while I pursue this degree and my family is biding their time while I try to make a better way of life for us. It's a huge deal. So, why did I switch and how did my family react? I'm going to be honest and say that I was struggling in school. I wasn't failing, but it was a constant struggle to keep my head above water and I found myself fighting for a C. That's not the type of work I'm used to doing. I happened to take a healthcare administration class that was an elective and my professor was an administrator in long-term care. After listening to him for several weeks, I started to question what I was really wanted to do with my life. So, I emailed him and started asking questions. This took place between November and December. After communicating for quite some time, I realized that pharmacy just isn't for me, but I think I know now what is! I'm passionate about end-of-life care and a degree in pharmacy wasn't going to give me the type of position I want. So, my new major (prepare yourselves for this) is officially Human Communications and Organizational Leadership with a minor in Healthcare. Yes, it's more than a mouthful, but it's going to get me where I really want to be and that's as a hospice administrator. It also means that I'll be done next spring, rather than in 4 more years.
My family. Well, when I first brought it up, my husband was less than excited. I know he was thinking that we had wasted a lot of time and he was worried. I mean, let's be real, part of the reason I'm in school is to be able to have a career that pays me very well. If I wanted a job, I'd stick with the $12/hour jobs I've had for the last 15 years. I want more out of life and so does my family. It took a little time to convince him that I was doing the right thing and not to worry. Not only will I still be bringing home a good salary, but I'm going to be done with school so much quicker!
I can't express to you all how relieved I am since making the change. Now, it didn't happen until a week before the semester started after Christmas break, but better late than never. And I'm happy to find out that I haven't wasted a lot of time. There's really only a few classes that I didn't need after all. I already met the requirements for the minor and I only have 5 or 6 to meet the requirements for my major. That is so exciting to me! There's a light at the end of the tunnel that I'm actually moving closer to rather than being stuck halfway.
I tell you all of that to say this: if you're miserable in school, maybe your chosen major really isn't right for you. Sometimes you have to talk to your professors, your family, whoever, to help you see where your passions really lie and how to make it happen. Not only am I happier now, I have so much less stress that's it's unbelievable! I also have the grades to show that I'm in a better place. I still work hard, but I don't struggle like I used to and it is a great feeling.
Go out there and make your dreams happen, people! And feel free to contact me for questions:)